거주자 개조요구에 따른 아파트 공간 가변성능의 유형화 연구

A Study on the Typology of Flexibility of Support in Apartment According to Occupants' Requirement

  • 발행 : 2004.02.01


Recently, determinants in the construction market are not suppliers' choices but customers' various needs. One of the main interests about the space design is the flexibility. Though those are the choices of users to modify space structure, the potential degree of flexibility is predetermined by the providers. In suppliers' view, it is consuming in financial and technical aspects to cater the apartments qualifying maximum flexibility. To modify these differences, the reasonable range of applicable customers's requirement about flexibility in apartment should be determined. Then, the types of flexibility in apartments should be classified. The purpose of this Study are classified the flexibility of support in apartment by the analyzing the remodeling requirement of apartment residents, and provided prerequisites to create flexible spaces by case application.



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