A Study on the Application of the Radiant Floor Cooling System in Residential Building

주거 건물의 복사냉방시스템 적용에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2004.06.01


The objective of this study is to demonstrate the potential of radiant cooling systems using Ondol as an alternative cooling system in residential buildings. For this purpose, computer simulation and model experiments have been performed for the system performance analysis regarding comfort, floor surface condensation, and supply water temperature. The results of this study is the following: In radiant floor cooling system, room air temperatures were maintained within the set temperature range of $\pm$1$^{\circ}C$ without any discomfort condition. And taking into account only the condensation occurrence, it was possible to achieve radiant floor cooling for a period of about 77% of the total cooling period in weather condition of Seoul. The minimum supply water temperature is about 15$^{\circ}C$, so renewable energy system such as ground heat exchange system can be used as an alternative in cooling source. Also, floor surface condensation can be prevented by integrating with the dehumidification system.



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