- Theriogenology v.35 Determination of ovulation time in bitches based on testing vaginal cytology and ELISA for progesterone Bouchard,G.F.;Solorzano,N.;Concannon,P.W.;Youngquist,R.S.Bierschwal,C.J.
- J Reprod Fert (Suppl) v.47 Problems associated with ultrasonography of the canine ovary around the time of ovulation Boyd,J.S.;Renton,J.P.;Harvey,M.H.A.
- Am J Vet Res v.45 Preliminary study of the ultra-sonographic diagnosis of pregnancy and fetal development in the dog Cartee,R.E.;Rowles,T.
- Am J Vet Res v.44 Radiographic diagnosis of canine pregnancy: Onset of fetal radiopacity in relation to times of bleeding, preovulatory luteinizing hormone release, and parturition Concannon,P.W.;Rendano,V.
- J Reprod Fert (Suppl) v.47 Ultrasonographic appearance of the ovary and uterus of bitch during oestrus, ovulation and early pregnancy England,G.C.W.;Yeager,A.E.
- J Small Anim Pract v.33 Studies on canine pregnancy using B-mode ultrasound: Diagnosis of early pregnancy and the number of conceptus England,G.C.W.;Allen,E.W.
- J Small Anim Pract v.31 Studies on canine pregnancy using B-mode ultrasound: Development of the conceptus and determination of gestational age England,G.C.W.;Allen,E.W.;Porter,D.J.
- Vet Rec v.115 Use of echography in bitches for detection of ovulation and pregnancy Inaba,R.;Matsui,N.;Shimizu,r.;Imori,T.
- Vet Med Diagnosing, treating, and preventiing canine abortion Jeanett,L.F.;David,K.H.
- Theriogenology v.60 Accuracy of canine parturiton date prediction using fetal measurements obtained by ultrasonography Kutzler,M.A.;Yeager,A.E.;Mohammed,H.O.;Meyer-Wallen,V.N.
- J Small Amim Pract v.41 Determination of gestational age in medium and amall size bitches using ultrasonographic fetal measuremints Luvoni,G.C.;Grioni,A.
- J Vet Mod Sci v.58 Obseervation of the growth process of a Beagle embryo and fetus by ultrasonography Moriyashi,M.;Waki,Y.;Nakao,T.;Kacoata,K.
- J Reprod Fert (Suppl) v.57 Influence of little size and breed on the duration of gestation in dogs Okkens,A.C.;Teunissen,J.M.;Van Oson W;Van Den Brom WE;Kieleman,S.J.
- Vet Quart v.13 Influence of litter size and breed on variation in length of gestation in the dog Okkens,A.C.;Hederman,T.W.M.;De Vogel JWA;Haaften,V.B.
- J Vet Med Sci v.63 Establishment of the prediction table of parturition day with ultrasonography in small pet dogs Son,C.H.;Jeong,K.A.;Kim,J.H.;Park,I.C.;Kim,S.H.;Lee,C.S.
- J small Anim Pract v.8 Canine vaginal cytology. Ⅰ. Technique and cytology morphology Schutte,A.P.
- Textbook of veterinary internal medicine(3rd ed.) v.Ⅱ Reproductive physiology and endocrinology of the female and male Shille,V.M.
- Rev Med Vet v.135 Diagnostic de gestation chezla chienne par echotomographie Tainturtier,D.;Moysan,F.
- J Small Anim Prac v.35 Dystocia in the bitch : A retrospective study of 182 cases Walett,D.A.;Linde,F.C.
- Am J Vet Res v.53 Ultrasonographic appearance of the ovaries of dog during the follicular and luteal phases of the estrous cycle Wallce,S.S.;Mahaffey,M.B.;Miller,D.M.;Thompson,F.N.;Chakraborty,P.K.
- Aust Vet J v.68 Practical aspects of the estimation of the time of ovulation and of insemination in the bitch Wright,P.J.
- Am J Vet Res v.53 Ultrasonographic appearance of the uterus, placenta, fetus, and fetal membranes throughout accurately timed pregnancy in Beagles Yeager,A.E.;Mohammed,H.O.;Meyers-Wallen,V.;Vannerson,L.;Concannon,P.W.
- Theriogenology v.34 association between the preovulatory luteinizing hormone surge and the early ultrasonographic detection of pregnancy and fetal heartbeats in Beagle dogs Yeager,A.E.;Concannon,P.W.
- Theriogenology v.34 Serial ultrasonographic appearance of postpartum involution in beagle dogs Yeager,A.E.;Concannon,P.W.
- J Feline Med Surg v.4 Ultrasound aspects of fetal and extrafetal structurs in pregnant cats Zambelli,D.;Caneppele,B.;Bassi,S.;Paladini,C.
- 大韓獸醫學會誌 v.36 진도개에서 임신일령에 따른 임신구조물의 초음파상. Ⅰ. 태아 및 태아외 구조물의 최초 관찰 시기 강병규;손창호;신창록;최한선;오기석;박인철
- 한국임상수의학회지 v.14 애완견에서 임신 일령에 따른 임신구조물의 초음파상. Ⅰ. 태아 및 태아외 구조물의 최초 관찰 시기 강병규;최한선;서동호;신창록;박인철
- 한국임상수의학회지 v.18 애완견에서 분만후 자궁수복의 초음파상 손창호;김혜령;김정훈;정경아;이주환;오기석;박인철;박상국;김성호;김영홍
- 한국임상수의학회지 v.14 애완견에서 임신일령에 따른 임신구조물의 초음파상. Ⅱ. 임신구조물의 측정에 의한 임신일령의 판정과 분만일의 예시 손창호;강병규;최한선;서동호;신창록;박인철
- 한국임상수의학회지 v.13 진도개에서 발정주기, 교배적기 및 배란식 판정을 위한 질세포검사의 이용성 손창호;백인석;신창록;최한선;강병규
- 大韓獸醫學會誌 v.36 진도개에서 임신일령에 따른 임신구조물의 초음파상. Ⅱ. 태아 및 태아외 구조물의 측정에 의한 임신일령의 추정 손창호;신창록;강병규;최한선