- Mycopathol v.142 Evolutionary distances and identification of Candida species in clinical isolates by Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA(RAPD) Analy SA Melo;Leila P. de Almeida;Arnaldo L. Colombo;Marcelo RS. Briones
- In J Dermatol v.37 Detection and differentiation of causative fungi of onychomycosis using PCR amplification and restriction enzyme analysis Baek,S.C.;Chae,H.J.;Houh,D.
- Microbial Sciences v.3 International Commission on the Taxonomy of Fungi (ICTF): name changes in fungi of microbiological, industrial and medical importance. Part 2. Cannon,P.F.
- Laryngoscope v.111 Detection of fungi in the nasal mucosa using polymerase chain reaction Catten,M.D.;Murr,A.H.;Glodstein,J.A.;Mhatre,A.N.;Lalwani,A.K.
- Am J Surg v.171 Fungai infection in surgical patients Dean,D.A.;Burchard,K.W.
- J Am Acad Dermatol v.21 The superficial mycoses and the dermatophytes Elewski,B.E.;Hazen,P.G.
- Br J Dermatol v.138 Identification of common dermatophytes (Trichophyton, Microsporu, Epidermopyton) using polymerase chain reactions Gracer,Y.;Fari,M.E.;Presber,W.;Sterry,W.;Tietz,H.J.
- Semin Dermatol v.10 Fungal infections of the nail Haneke,E.
- Mol Biol Evol v.13 Deep-level diagnostic value of the rDNA-ITS region Hershkovitz,M.A.;Lewis,L.A.
- Arch Med Res v.26 Use of molecular biological techniques in the diagnostic laboratory for detecting and differentiating fungi Hopfer,R.L.
- J Clin Microbial v.1997 A new Medium for the Presumptive Identification of Dermatophytes Ira F. Salkin;Arvind A, Padhye;Kemna,M.E.
- Apl Environ Microbiol v.59 Rapid identification of bacteria on the basis of polymerase chain reaction-amplified ribosomal DNA spacer polymorphisms Jensen,M.A.;Webster,J.A.;Straus,N.
- Med Mycol v.38 Differences among chitin synthase 1 ene sequences in Trichophyton rubrum and T. violaceum Kano,R.;Okabayashi,K.;Nakamura,Y.;Ooka,s.;Kashima,M.;Mizoguchi,M.;Watenabe,S.;Hasegawa,A.
- Ann Dermatol v.11 Identification of Trichophyton tonsurans by random amplified polymorphic DNA Kim,J.A.;de Gusmao NB;Okada,K.;Takaki,G.M.;Fukushima,K.;Nishimura,K.;Miyaji,M.
- Detection and identification of a wide range of medically important fungal species from PCR and Southern analysis Koichi Makiumra
- J Clin Microbiol v.25 Improved methods for isolation and enumeration of Malassezia furfur from human skin Leeming,J.P.;Notman,F.H.
- Mykosen v.24 Evaluation of direct microscopic examination versus culture in the diagnosis of superficial fungal infection Lefler,E.;Haim,S.
- Br J Dermatol v.137 Molecular dermination of dermatophyte fungi using the arbitrarily primed polymerase chain reaction Liu,D.;Coloe,S.;Baird,R.;Pedersen,J.
- Diag Microbiol Infect Dis v.38 Identification of rare Candida species and other yeasts by polymerase chain reacton and slot blot hybridization Loeffler,J.;Hebart,H.;Magga,S.;Schmidt,D.;Klingspor,L.;Tollemar,J.;Schumacher,U.;Einsele,H.
- AIDS v.13 Prognostic value of plasma HIV RNA in the natural history of Pneumocystic carinii pneumonia, cytomegalovirus and Mycobacterium avium complex Lyles,R.H.;Chy,C.;Mellors,J.W.;Margolick,J.B.;Detels,R.;Giorgi,J.V.;Al-Shboull,Q.;Phair,J.P.
- J Clin Microbiol Phylogenetic Classification and Species Identification of Dermatophyte Strains Based on DNA Sequences of Nuclear Ribosomal Internal Transcribed Spacer 1 Regions Makimura,K.;Tamura,Y.;Mochizuki,T.;Hasegawa,A.;Tajiri,Y.;Hanazawa,R.;Uchida,K.;Saito.H.;Yamaguchi,H.
- J Am Acad Dermatol v.31 Mycology of nail disorders Midgley,G.;Moore,M.K.;Cook,J.C.
- Small animal dermatology(5th ed.) Miller,W.H.;Scott,D.W.;Griffin,C.E.
- J Med Vet Mycol v.32 Molecular Myclolgy; DNA probes and applications of PCR technology Michell,T.G.;Sandin,R.L.;Bowman,B.H.;Meyer,W.;Merz,W.G.
- J Med Vet Mycol v.32 Application of neutral red staining for evaluation in human scales Naka,W.;Hanyaku,H.;Tajimi,S.
- Jap. J Med Mycol v.27 Comparative study between potassium hydroxide mount and culture examination during the treatment of dermatophytoses and candidasis Nishimoto,K.;Homma,K.
- Candida and Candidosis(2nd ed.) Odds,F.C.
- J Clin Microbiol v.36 International surveillance of bloodstream infections due to Candida species; frequency of occurrence and antifungal susceptibilities of isolates collected in 1997 in the United States, Canada, and South America for the SENTRY program. The SENTRY Participant Group Pfaller,M.;Jones,R.N.;Doern,G.V.;Sader,H.S.;Hollis,R.J.;Messer,S.A.
- Clin Vet Microbiol. Class Mycology, subclass Aspergillus species Quinn,P.J.;Carter,M.E.;Markey,B.K.;Carter,G.R.
- Dermatophytes ; their recognition and identification University of Miami Press coral Gablei Rebell,G.;Talpin,D.
- Am J Dermatopath v.2 Subtle clues to diagnosis from biopsies of nails Sher,R.K.;Ackerman,A.B.
- Eur J Clin Invest v.30 Fast, simple and highly sensitive double-rounded polymerase chain reaction assay to detect medically relevant fungi in dermatological specimens Turin,L.;Riva,F.;Galbiati,G.;Cainelli,T.
- Mey Mycol v.36 Exophiala dermatitidis and Sarcinomyces phaeomuriformis, ITS1-sequencing and nutritional physiology Uijthof,J.M.J.;Van Belkum A;de Hoog GS;Haase,S.
- Clin Infect Dis v.20 Nosocomial candidemia risk factors and attributable mortality Wenzel,R.P.
- Amplication and direct sequencing of fungal ribosomal RNA genes for phylogenetics White,T.J.;Bruns,T.;Lee,S.;Taylor,J.
- 대한피부과학회지 v.33 배양온도가 피부사상균의 경구용 항진균제 감수성 검사에 미치는 영향 곽태훈;최종수;김기홍
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- 임상진균학(2판) 김영군;김태운;김신무;김성권;김승권;김영자;김충환;김봉철;이건섭;정경석;이장호;최양순
- 경북대학교 석사논문 개 및 바다사자의 피부사상균에 대하여 김영지
- 축산과학연구소논문집 v.11 젖소의 유방염유두에서 분리된 Candida 속 진균의 성상과 약제 감수성 김태종;장국현
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- 대한피부과학회지 v.34 Neutral red 염색을 이용한 피부사상균의 생육성 평가 박장규;이우재;서기범;이중훈
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- 의진균학(2판) 서순봉;김기홍;방용준
- 강원대학교 석사논문 개와 고양이 피부사상균증의 역학적 및 진균학적 연구 신재은
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- 한국임상수의학회지 v.15 말에서 급성장염과 관련된 폐장에서의 Aspergillus 감염증 윤병일;허권;김대용;박응복;하태영;서일복
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- 대한피부과학회지 v.37(부록) DNA probe를 이용한 피부사상균의 동정 최종수;김기홍;신동훈;이순정;박용묘
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