베트남전 참전용사의 자아존중감에 영향을 미치는 요인

Factors that Affect Self-esteem among Vietnam War Veterans

  • 이인수 (한서대학교 대학원 노인복지학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.02.01


This study was conducted to explore the impacts of involvement in the Vietnam War on the self-esteem of the veterans in their later lives. In this study, 14 Korean male Vietnam War veterans from 55 to 63 years old were asked about the impacts of their war experiences on their self-esteem. From the analysis of the in-depth interviews the following conclusions were drawn: First, the veterans perceived that their self-esteem improved with both internal and external impacts of their activities in Vietnam. The internal aspects that improved the veterans' self-esteem were recalling their positive memories of Vietnam War, such as being on duty at a war front for the sake of our country, doing volunteer work for the villagers, and becoming a masculine heroic figure in the family legend. The external aspects were positive attitudes and responses toward their war activities from their family, friends, and neighbors. Second, they also felt persistently frustrated with their recurring memories of involvement in killing human beings, experiences of negative family and social responses, and the side effects of herbicidal cyanide they suffer. In this article, the following suggestions were made. First, standardized images and good-will episodes of the Vietnam War need to be provided by the government, in order to improve public images on the veterans. Second, intensive adjustment programs for the families of older veterans in special needs should be developed in collaboration with various veterans' societies and family counseling institutions, so that the spouses and children can be relieved from tension-laden contacts with the veterans and prevent violent incidents.



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