디지털시대 패션에 나타난 사이버페미니즘 연구 (제2보) -미적가치를 중심으로-

A Study of Cyberfeminism in fashion in the digital era (Part II) - Focused on aesthetic values -

  • 김현수 (숙명여자대학교 의류학과) ;
  • 양숙희 (숙명여자대학교 의류학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.02.01


The Purpose of this study was to review the effects of the cyberspace mentality on fashion as a visible symbol of feminity and to analyze terms of its aesthetic values. As for the research methodology, relevant theories across cultures and disciplines are reviewed and an experimental study is conducted to explore spiritual objectives in cyberspace. Then, major issues facing the digital society. symbolized in the computer networks, are reviewed in terms of feminine identity and physical beauty from a feminist's viewpoint. Lastly, the aesthetic values found in the spatial meditation of a new dimension (reality versus virtuality) is comparatively analyzed. The virual reality technology and bio-medical technology are combined to be represented in fashion to create a more realistic virtual world than the real one. Such a world may well be characterized by virtuality, artificiality, masquerade, and fantasy. The intrinsic values which are revealed as psychiatrical or psychological implicated values featuring virtual or artificial implications may well be characterized by distopia, hyper, hybridity and Sur Reality.



  1. 디자인문화비평 v.6 패션판타지: 코스프레에서 아바타의상까지 김성복
  2. 미학연구 v.2 C. I. Lewis의 가치 개념 연구 김연희
  3. 한국의류학회지 v.27 no.11 디지털시대 패션에 나타난 사이버페미니즘 연구 -사이버하 위문화스타일을 중심으로 (제1보) 김현수;양숙희
  4. 동아 원색 세계 대백과사전
  5. 문화과학 v.29 디지털의 미학적 문제 박성수
  6. 국민대학교 테크노디자인 전문대학원 석사학위 논문 아바타의 패션 마케팅 전략 연구 유수미
  7. 한국의류학회지 v.25 no.5 패션에 표현된 가상성 이민선
  8. 나, 아바타, 그리고 가상세계 정기도
  9. 알기쉬운 철학의 세계 조정옥
  10. The uncanny, Fantasy Literature: An Approach to reality Apter,E.T.
  11. 현대의 사회이론: 탈현대의 비판적 질의 Best,S.;Kellner,D.
  12. 현대미학 Dickie,G.;오병남(역)
  13. 환상과 미메시스 Hume,K.;한창엽(역)
  14. 영화의 환상 v.229 Leutrat,J.L.;김경은(외 역)
  15. 사이버문화 Levy,P.;김동윤(역);조준형(역)
  16. An Analysis of knowledge and Valuation Lewis,C.I.
  17. HECATE v.25 no.2 (En) Gendering the Digital Body : Feminism and the Internet Luckman,S.
  18. Cultures of Internet : Virtual Spaces Real Histories. Living Bodies London On the Matrix: Cyberfeminist Simulations Plant,S.;Rob Shields(ed.)
  19. Life On The Screen: Identity in the age of the internet Turkle,S.
  20. The New International Webster's Dictionary of The English Language Lexicon Publication, Inc.
  21. Fashion and Body, Body Probe: Torture Garden 2 Wood,T.G.D
  22. 페미니즘과 정신분석학 사전 Wright,E.;박찬부(외 역)