Energy Performance Evaluation of VAV System through Various Operating Strategies in Office Buildings

VAV 시스템의 현장 운전방식에 따른 에너지 성능평가

  • 서종욱 (서울시립대학교 대학원) ;
  • 허정호 (서울시립대학교 건축·도시·조경학부(건축공학전공))
  • Published : 2004.02.01


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the performance of various control strategies in commercial buildings which have been operated by the variable air volume (VAV) system. Two buildings in Seoul were chosen for the field study. The one (D building) combined by LonWorks has the constant airflow of supply fan and the proportional control of VAV units (damper type). The other (S building) combined by DDC has the PI control mode of the supply fan and the floating control of VAV units (venturi type). In estimating thermal comfort and energy performance through control modes of PI, PID, and CAV in the supply fan, we could identify several energy efficient operating control strategies for the VAV system.



  1. ASHRAE Transactions v.97 Situations to consider when variable air volume is an option Mark,D.K.
  2. ASHRAE Transactions v.97 VAV systems-What makes them succeed? What makes them fail? Thomas,E.;Cappellin,P.E.
  3. Feedback Control of Dynamic System(3rd ed.) Franklin,G.F.;Powell,J.D.
  4. Heating and Cooling of Buildings Design for Efficiency Heating and Cooling of Building Design for Efficiency Kreider,J.F.;Rabl,A.
  5. Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering Control technology for energy saving in CAV system Ju,Y.D.
  6. Master's Thesis,b University of Seoul Energy Performance Evaluation of VAV System through Various Operating Strategies in Commercial Buildings during the Cooling Season Seo,J.U.