실업계 고등학생의 자아정체감 상태에 따른 진로탐색 및 진로결정 분석

An Analysis of Career Exploration and Career Decision-making by Identity Statuses of Vocational High School Students

  • 투고 : 2004.03.10
  • 심사 : 2004.05.18
  • 발행 : 2004.07.31


The purpose of this study was to analyze of career exploration and career decision-making by identity statuses(diffusion, foreclosure, moratorium, achievement) of vocational high school students. The research questions were formulated as follows. (1) Is there a difference in identity statuses by level of the career exploration? (2) Is there a difference in identity statuses by level of the career decision-making? (3) How much identity statuses-identity diffusion, identity foreclosure, identity moratorium, identity achievement-effect to the career exploration and career decision-making? 255 vocational high school students in Pusan were sampled. For the statistical analysis, Oneway, analysis of covariance structure by AMOS 4.0 was applied. The results of the study were as follows. (1) The identity diffusion was low in the level of career exploration, but the identity moratorium and achievement were high in the level of career exploration. (3) The identity diffusion was low in the level of career decision-making, but the identity achievement was high in the level of career decision-making. (4) The identity diffusion effected to negatively career exploration and career decision-making, identity foreclosure effected to low positively career exploration and career decision-making, identity moratorium effected to positively career exploration but negatively career decision-making, identity achievement effected to positively career exploration and career decision-making.



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