Facility Layout Planning for the Safety 7th Curriculum of Technology Laboratory in a Middle School

제7차 교육과정을 고려한 중학교(中學校) 기술실(技術室)의 안전.시설.설비(安全.施設.設備) 배치(配置) 계획(計劃)

  • Published : 2003.05.15


The purpose of this study is to describe the planning and applied safety facility layout for a technology laboratory in a middle school. A technological teaching facility has its essential purpose in meeting students' needs and achieving educational objectives efficiently and effectively. Practice-related appliances were selected through investigation of the current middle school laboratory, and analysis of the technology textbooks of the 7th curriculum. Laboratory layout was achieved with consideration of the teacher's and students need of safety and close proximity to laboratory facilities and equipment. Our recommendation takes the SLP survey results into consideration. The results of this study are as follows: The following floor plan is recommended. The facility layout will insure that students are able to work safely, in full view of academic instructors. Students will have easy access to all equipment due to the efficient floor plan and logical sequencing of equipment.



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