광열/광음 기법에 의한 나노초 폭발적 기화 과정 분석

Analysis of Nanosecond Explosive Vaporization Process by Photothermal/Photoacoustic Methods

  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


This paper introduces optical methods for in-situ measurement of surface temperature and pressure transient in thermal processes having nanosecond time scales. In the temperature measurement, a p -Si thin film whose refractive index is calibrated as a function of temperature is embedded beneath the sample surface and the photothermal reflectance is monitored for estimating the surface temperature. The pressure transients are measured using the photoacoustic optical deflection method. The experimental technique is used to analyze the nanosecond laser induced vaporization process that is central to numerous engineering and bio-medical applications. Based on the experimental results, discussions are made on the experimental technique and the physical mechanisms of laser-driven explosive vaporization phenomena.



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