Determination of Material Properties of Tube using Inverse Engineering and Analytic Method in Tube Bulge Test

역공학과 해석적 방법을 이용한 관재벌지시험에서의 관재물성치 결정

  • 김태준 (서강대학교 대학원 기계공학과) ;
  • 김낙수 (서강대학교 기계공학과)
  • Published : 2003.09.01


In numerical analysis for hydroforming process, the stress calculation is effected by flow stress which is general obtained by stress-strain relationship from uni-axial tension test, so the result of the analysis, especially in tube hydroforming, has limitation of accuracy, tubes are made in roll-forming process and become work-hardened. Then roll forming process causes material properties between rolling direction and circumstantial direction of the tube to be different. So it is difficult to predict material behavior in the process condition of bi-axial stress state. In this study, the flow stress of the tube is determined by inverse engineering approach and bulge test that is widely used for formability test in the condition of bi-axial stress. And Hill's quadratic yield function and flow rule are used to consider the anisotropy of the tube in the roll forming process.



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