Child Health Nursing Research
- Volume 9 Issue 2
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- Pages.180-189
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- 2003
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- 2287-9110(pISSN)
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- 2287-9129(eISSN)
Educational Needs of Drinking Prevention for Primary School Students
초등학생의 음주예방교육 요구
- Moon Jung-Soon (The Catholic University of Korea, College of Nursing) ;
- Sohng Kyeong-Yae (The Catholic University of Korea, College of Nursing) ;
- Park Sun-Nam (The Catholic University of Korea, College of Nursing) ;
- Kim Han-Sook (Seong Dong Mec.-Tec.High School)
- Published : 2003.04.01
Purpose: To provide basic data for developing problematic drinking prevention problem through the investigation of the educational needs on drinking of primary students. Method: Subjects were 630 fourth, fifth, and sixth grades in 5 primary schools in Seoul. Data were collected from November to December 2000 by using structured questionnaire. Result: 1) Among the students under inquiry, 41.2% answered the had educational need about drinking. Educational need about drinking was significantly higher in the students with higher mothers educational level than those of with lower ones. 2) With regard to the appropriate class in providing education, 37.3% selected normal class education. 47.3% of the respondents said experiments would be the most effective education method. 61.8% of the students picked school nurses as the most appropriate person in carrying out the education. As for the most effective media for education, 40.3% chose video/television. The most concerning topic was academic achievement with 51.9% of the surveyed. As for the rate of preference in methods of drinking prevention education, Significant differences were shown in the class, teaching method, instructor, media, memory of education and concerning topic according to the gender. Conclusion: The results of the finding suggest that the various programs of drinking prevention education for the primary students should be developed with consider the difference of preference by the grade and the gender.