Bone Regeneration Effects of Copper Oxide on Fibular Fracture in Rabbits

토끼의 비골 골절에서 산화구리(CuO, copper oxide)의 골재성 효과

  • Published : 2003.12.01


The bone regeneration effects of copper oxide on experimentally induced fibular fracture were examined in 36 New Zealand white male rabbits. They were divided into two groups: non-treated group (control group) and copper oxide treated group (treatment group). A fibular fracture was created by an osteotomy in the middle of the fibula and 62.5 mg/kg of copper oxide was orally administrated during 7 days after operation in the treatment group. Radiological findings, histopathological examinations and hematoserological findings were observed to evaluate the bone regeneration effects of copper oxide on fibula fracture during 9 weeks. In radiological findings, the area of bone regeneration at the fracture site of the treatment group was significantly wider from 3 weeks to 6 weeks after administration of copper oxide than those of the control group (p < 0.05). In histopathological examinations, fracture healing in treatment group was faster than in control group. Also, histopathological responses of thick bony trabeculae and new bone marrow formation were shown in the treatment group, whereas many fibrous tissues and cartilages were mainly observed in the control group. No specific effects of copper oxide on the body was found in hematological and serological test during experimental period. These results showed that the copper oxide had a potential therapeutic application in the treatment of fracture and bone trauma.



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