구형파 펄스를 인가한 정전분무 장치의 대전량 특성

Charging Characteristics of Electrostatic Sprayer Applied Square Pulse

  • 박승록 (금오공대 전자공학부) ;
  • 문재덕 (경북대 공대 전자전기공학부)
  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


In this study, new type of induction charging system for electrostatic spraying was manufactured and proposed to improve the electrical safety and charging efficiency. And parameters of proposed system to generate the maximum deposition current with electrical safety were selected and investigated. The selected parameters were frequency of square pulse and thickness of insulation material, outer diameter of device and thickness and positions of electrode. Charging quantity of water drop was measured by deposition current detected from sensing plate indirectly. The maximum deposition current for each parameter were 3.5[uA] at the frequency of 15[kHz] and thickness of 0.25[mm] insulating layer. And maximum deposition currents were 2.8[uA] and 3.0[uA] at 25[mm] outer diameter of charging device and 0.25[mm] thickness of electrode each. Effects of electrode position from spraying nozzle on deposition current was a little.



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