포스트모던 디자인과 중세 미학의 관계 연구 - 혼성 미학의 역사성을 중심으로 -

A Study on the Relationship of Post-Modern Design and Medieval Aesthetics - Focus on the Historicity of the Hybrid Aesthetics -

  • 발행 : 2003.08.01


The attempt to find the origin of Post-modern aesthetics from the Middle Ages is easy to perceive the thinking system of contemporary design. The Middle Ages showed that things and God's relation were symbolized all things were connected with analogical ideas as mysticism(alchemy, gnosticism), and God's world was represented with the metaphor. While the hybrid style of Post-modern architecture expressed that the rationalism was opposed to Ideology, partly, the idea of irrational with mysterious, also unscientific with analogical discourse . And the Symbolism of Post-Modern Design is means of popular Communication. Exactly, the common feature of ideology with pre-rationalism and anti-rationalism are against the dominated ideology in present. In conclusion, the relation of significancy effect In Chaos and In composition can be considered inspirational source historically.



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