어머니 양육행동의 관련변인에 대한 구조분석

Structural Equational Modeling for Mother's Child-Bearing Behavior

  • 정현희 (동의대학교 아동·가정환경학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


The present study investigated causal relationship between child's temperament, mother's parental satisfaction, mother's marital satisfaction and mother's child-rearing behavior according to child's sex. The subjects for this study were 473 children and their's mothers of first-second grade selected from elementary schools in Busan. Han's questionnaires(1996) on child's temperament, Hyun's questionnaires(1994) on parental satisfaction, Choi's questionnaires(1994) on marital satisfaction and Hong's questionnaires(1996) on mother's child-rearing behavior were used. Data were analyzed with Manova, Pearson's correlation, Lisrel 8.5. The results were as follows : (1) According to sex, there were significant differences in mother's marital satisfaction and child-rearing behavior. The mothers of girls showed higher marital satisfaction. And boys perceived higher limit-setting and higher responsiveness. (2) For boys, mother's parental satisfaction and marital satisfaction revealed direct effect on mother's child rearing behavior. For girls, tempeament and parental satisfaction revealed direct effect on mother's child rearing behavior.



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