여자청소년의 성관계에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구 -또래집단의 성관련 경험, 사회적지지, 그리고 대처를 중심으로 -

A Study on the Factors Causing the Female Adolescent Sexual Activity -Focused on the Peer Group's Sexual Experiences, Social Support and Coping-

  • 김만지 (한국디지털대학교 사회복지학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


The purpose of this study is to examine factors causing the female adolescent sexual activity. 201 female adolescents participated in this study. Each participant was classified into the sexual activity experience or non-sexual activity experience group on the basis of survey. In total, 87 female adolescents have sexual activity experience, and 114 female adolescents have non-sexual activity experience. Analysis reported that sexual activity experience group was more positive on the adolescent sexual activity than non-sexual activity experience group. Also sexual activity experience group has more peers having sexual activity and pregnancy experience than non-sexual activity experience group. And, sexual activity experience group was more coping level and lower father social support than non-sexual activity experience group. Logistic regression analysis was conducted in order to determine the extent to which the attitude on the adolescent sexual activity, peer group's sexual experiences, social support, and coping factors affected on female adolescent sexual activity. As a results, peer's sexual activity and peer's pregnancy factors were significantly associated with it. Finally based on the results, the intervention strategies were suggested.



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