대학생의 가정폭력 경험이 데이팅 폭력 가해에 미치는 영향

The Effects of Family Violence on Perpetration of Dating Violence among College Students

  • 발행 : 2003.03.01


This research tested the path model which examined the direct and indirect effects of family violence experience on perpetration of dating violence among college students. Two family violence variables such as witnessing parents' marital violence and being abused by parent were the exogeneous variables in the path model, while the mediated variables were consisted of (1) the social-learning-theory-derived variables such as acceptance of violence, positive outcome expectations of using violence, and aggressive conflict-coping behavior, and (2) control-theory-derived variables such as attachment, belief, and commitment. Data were from self-administered questionnaires completed by 332 male and 469 female students selected by stratified quota sampling method. The path analysis was done for males and females separately, since females reported significantly higher degree of dating violence than males. Results of the path analysis showed that first, for both males and females, being abused by parents directly and indirectly influenced dating violence, while witnessing parents' marital violence did not have effect on dating violence either directly or indirectly. Second, for male students, acceptance of violence and conflict coping behavior found to be the mediated variables in the effect of being abused by parents on dating violence. Third, for females, a control-theory-derived variable of belief as well as all three social learning theory-derived variables mediated the influence of being abused by parents on dating violence.



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