도시 가구의 환경 친화적인 태도와 물 소비에 관한 연구

A Study on the Determinants of Pro-Environmental Attitude and Water Consumption of Urban Households

  • 발행 : 2003.03.01


This study aimed to examine the water consumption of urban households according to pro-environmental attitude for environmental protection. In contrast to preview studies, this study purposed to include various related independent variables, motive to environmental behavior, in special, in the model, and suggest informative data for research, education and strategies related to environmental protection. The data were from 665 housewives living in five urban areas. For the analysis of data, frequencies, means, percentages, GLM analysis, DMR test and Chi-square test were used. The main results of this study were as follows; 1. The respondents held high pro-environmental attitude that pro-environmental behaviors are important to protect environment. The pro-environmental attitude among the respondents were statistically different from the independent variables : spouse's occupation, living area, help of housekeeper, knowledge about environmental protection, convenience to check water consumption, and perception of voluntary conservative behavior among neighborhood 2. There were great difference on water consumption among respondents. The significant independent variables to have effects on water consumption were different between water consumption per person and higher/lower average water consumption. The relationships of pro-environmental attitude and motive to pro-environmental behavior with two water consumption as dependent variables were unique. Also, living areas and knowledge about environment protection were consistently important to explain the difference of water consumption.



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