정수처리에서 pH 저감에 의한 응집효율향상에 관한 연구

Improving Coagulation Performance with pH Preadjustment in Drinking Water Treatment

  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


This paper reports on a pilot scale comparison of PACS coagulation with and without pH preadjustment. The pH of the water was adjusted with carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid. Process performance was assessed on the basis of total organic carbon(TOC), UV absorbance, turbidity and disinfection by-product(DBP) precursors. Coagulation pH appeared to be a determining factor for maximum NOM removal. The optimum coagulation pH in order to decrease TOC and turbidity were pH 7. Preadjustment of pH 7 increased TOC removal to as much as 43, 47 percent with sulfuric acid and carbon dioxide. Moreover, coagulation at pH 7 caused a reduction in UV$_{254}$, THMFP and HAAFP compared to the baseline coagulation. For preadjustment of pH 7 with carbon dioxide, the percentage of TOC, UV$_{254}$, THMFP and HAAFP shows the reduction rate of 3.8, 0.5, 4.8, 9.4% comparing to the coagulation rendition using sulfuric acid. Acid addition to depress pH during coagulation decrease Langelier Saturation Index(LSI), potentially causing increase corrosion in water distribution systems. LSI for carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid at pH 6 was -2.3, -3.3. Therefore, carbon dioxide was more effective at controlling corrosion than sulfuric acid.



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