A Study on the Improvement of Multi-Layer Coating Method on Concrete Base

성형 콘크리트 복층마감도장 공법 개선에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2003.03.01


The Precast Concrete(PC) method was developed for a large production of a structure in Europe. Afterwards, this PC method has been applied to a structure and an outside Coating of buildings extensively. The outside Coating of the building applied this PC method is a method to put tiles or stones to base concrete. And there is a method to use paints for, so the expression of various patterns is possible. The Multi-Layer Coating is one of the methods to use paints. This Multi-Layer Coating method can show various designs of external appearance with Foam when it is made with the PC panel. Also, the paint film of the PC panel enables a splendid appearance, and a protective function of concrete is possible, too. Therefore, it makes good durability of the PC. Besides, maintenance is easy to manage because it is free from pollution when it uses metallic materials, stones, or any other materials. You might have no trouble in applying the Multi-Layer Coating method in order to save a merit of an outside Coating on the PC panel. However, the Multi-Layer Coating method used as a current outside Coating method has pollution and bad working environment because Oil Epoxy Resins have toxicity and flammability. Therefore, a lot of warnings are required for coating work in order to have appropriate quality because working hours are short, and production efficiency is low too. These reasons make the cost of construction of the Multi-Layer Coating method increase. And employers or designers may have problems in selecting this Multi-Layer Coating method. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to get activation of the Multi-Layer Coating method by offering improvement measures about the problems of the existing Multi-Layer Coating method.



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