An Experimental Study on the Strength Characteristics of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Beam

섬유보강 철근콘크리트 보의 강도특성에 관한 실험적 연구

  • Published : 2003.03.01


This study aims to provide basic data that can be applied to construct real structures. For this, an experimental structure was manufactured to identify durability according to age of fiber-reinforced concrete which contains fiber reinforcement materials (polypropylene fiber, steel fiber, cellulose fiber) and structural property about flexural behavior and destruction of reinforced concrete beam, and a relation between load and deflection, crack and destruction according to increase of load and ductility capacity was examined. Fiber-reinforced concrete materials and other constructional materials were experimented and the result is presented as follows: The results obtained through material test of concrete and static experiment of members usings 1. The experiment shows that compressive strength of fiber-reinforced concrete was lower than that of non-reinforced concrete. 2. As a result of strength experiment according to different kinds of fiber, compressive strength of an experimented structure that contains cellulose fiber was the highest when age was 28. 3. When deflection of reinforced concrete beam was examined, it was reported that ductility capacity of the experimented structure that contains fiber-reinforced concrete was raise than that of non-reinforced concrete.



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