e-비즈니스 레지스트리 통합 질의 시스템 설계 및 구현

Design and Implementation of Integrated Query System for e-Business Registries

  • 김계용 (충남대학교 컴퓨터공학과) ;
  • 이규철 (충남대학교 컴퓨터공학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.03.01


With the spread of Internet, e-business using Internet technology is being actively developed and operated. Currently, on behalf of the international e-business framework, International standard such as ebXML and Web Service is being advanced. We are able to publish and search business information through ebXML and Web Service and then actual trading between partners is accomplished. By the way, it is Registry that play an important part in e-business. Registry is an e-business infrastructure for enabling building, deploying, and the discovery of business Information. We can do e-business through Registries dynamically and share the resources. Representatives of Registry are ebXML and UDDI used as an international standard. We will meet with some problems when using Registries. ebXML Is focused on B2B collaborations and Web Service Is focused on application integrations. So we must use ebXML and Web Service characteristically, and sometimes use all at need. ebXML and Web Service contain business information by Registry specific way. So When using the services offered by ebXML and Web Service, we should access each Registry by using Registry specific tools. This thesis intended to integrate business information from ebXML Registry and UDDI Registry to accomplish e-business conveniently This thesis defined the common data model as well as integrated query language for integrated access to ebXML and Web Service along with design and implementation of the system.
