능동형 객체지향적 데이터베이스 모텔을 이용한 설계변경 개체 및 제약조건의 표현

A Representation of Engineering Change Objects and Their Integrity Constraints Using an Active Object-Oriented Database Model

  • 도남철 (경상대학교 공과대학 산업시스템공학부)
  • 발행 : 2003.03.01


This paper proposes a product data model that can express and enforce integrity constraints on product structure during engineering changes (ECs). The model adopts and extends an active object-oriented database model in order to Integrate IC data and their integrity constraints. Tightly integrated with product structure, It will enable designers to maintain and exchange consistent EC data throughout the product life cycle. In order to properly support operations for ECs, the model provides the data, operations, and Event-Condition-Action rules for nested ECs and simultaneous EC applications to multiple options. in addition, the EC objects proposed In the model integrate the data and Integrity constraints into a unified repository. This repository enables designers to access all EC data and integrity constraints through the product structure and relationships between EC objects. This paper also describes a prototype product data management system based on the proposed model In order to demonstrate its effectiveness.
