지각된 제품 특성과 과시적 소비 성향이 패션명품관여에 미치는 영향

The Effects of the Perceived Product Characteristics and Conspicuous Consumption on the Fashion Luxury Involvement

  • 최선형 (가톨릭 대학교 의류학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.02.01


The Purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of the perceived luxury characteristic and consumer's conspicuous consumption on the fashion luxury involvement. The subjects were Korean 443 women from 20's to 50's living in Seoul. The reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation analysis by AMOS 4.0 were used for statistics analysis. The results are as follows; 1) The perceived aesthetic taste and luxurious aspect of fashion luxury directly influence on fashion luxury involvement through hedonic consumption value. 2) The perceived luxurious aspect and traditional value of fashion luxury directly influence on negative luxury consumption value, but negative consumption value does not influence on fashion luxury involvement. 3) The well-known brand orientation, face-saving consumption, and value orientation directly influence on fashion luxury involvement.



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  2. 생활과학 v.1 필수품과 사치품에 대한 소비자 인지를 통해 본 소비행동의 사회 문화적 함의 김기옥;유형전
  3. 한국의류학회지 v.20 no.3 국외상표의 정장의류에 대한 구매 행동 연구 김미숙;김태연
  4. 이화여자대학교 대학원 석사학위논문 물질주의 성향에 따른 의복구매행동에 관한 연구 김민희
  5. 소비자학 연구 v.9 no.4 호화상품의 개념에 대한 한일 소비자 태도의 비교 김성호
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  8. 소비의 미래-21세기 시장트렌드- 보스하르트 다비드;박종대(역)
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