식각 표면패턴의 사출성형에 관한 실험적 연구

An Experimental Study on Injection Molding of Etched Surface Pattern

  • ;
  • 이희관 (전북대학교 자동차부품 금형 TIC) ;
  • 양균의 (전북대학교 기계항공시스템공학부, 자동차부품 금형 TIC)
  • 발행 : 2003.02.01


Molding properties of etched surface pattern are presented. Injection molding has given attention on improving dimensional accuracy and productivity. However, the molding of etched surface pattern on plastic parts is not researched relatively for its additional values, which can meet design function and customer's attraction. Specimens, whose surface patterns are made by print-type etching, are investigated. The molding properties of surface pattern are estimated with roughness deviation of surface pattern on part and mold. The etching properties are related to physical properties of plastic materials and surface roughness of etched pattern. Also, flow mark and gate location can give influence on surface pattern molding. The experimental result can contribute to good molding of surface pattern in injection molding.



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