Occurrence of eye abnormality in cultured red seabream (Pagrus major) and induced hybrid, red seabream Pagrus major(♀) ${\times}$ black seabream Acanthopagrus schlegeli(♂)


Red scabream, Pagrus major , is a valuable aquaculture species in Korea , but spontaneous eye abnormality occurred in cultured individuals . The incidence of eye abnormality was 4% in the group of cultured red scebream. The abnormality was characterized by unilateral and bilateral exophthalmos, opacity and lens pathology. Lense prolapse was found in two cases. Lenses in diseased fishes was considerably small in diameter and eyes were deformed as a whole. In the group of induced hybrid red scabream Pagrus major (♀) x black seabrearn Acanthopagrus schlegeli (♂), the incidence of eye abnormality wa~ the same 4%, but only opacity was registered. Opacity was also found in two of sixteen examined Wild-caught red seabrcam. Histopathological changes of lenses in cultured red seabreem included vecuolated cytoplasm of lens fibers, necrosis of fibers in central part of lens, folding and increase in thickness of lens capsule, and epithelial proliferation beneath the anterior lens capsule. In affected eyes no parasites or gas bubbles were found.



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