GFP gene expression in transfected rainbow trout fibroblast cell line RTG-2 using a polycationic reagent (Superfect)

  • Published : 20030000


In this study, GFP reporter gene was transfected into a fibroblast cell line RTG-2 using a polycationic transfection reagent (Superfect) and showed a successful expression of GFP. The transfection efficiency by Superfect was compared to the commonly used transfection method, i.e. DNA-calcium phosphate coprecipitatlon. Transfection by Superfect was more effective than calcium phosphate coprecipltation method (frequency of cell expressing orr was 11.3% and 3.5%, respectively). The optimal expression of GFP and {\beta}-galactosidase was observed when $5-6\;{\mu}{\ell}$ of Superfect per ${\mu}g$ DNA was used for transfcction, 1:5-6 ratio between DNA(${\mu}g$) and Superfect ($\mu\ell$).



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