- 주후비급방 葛洪
- Medical Postgraduates v.26 no.6 原發性 肝細胞癌腫의 分子生物學的 解釋 강윤정
- Am J Pathol v.156 The Fn14 immediate- early response gens is during liver regeneration and highly expressed in both human and murine hepatocellulae carcinomas. Feng SL;Guo Y;Factor VM(et al.)
- Anticancer Res. v.21 no.4A Identification of metastasis-associated genes by transcriptional profiling of metastatic versus non-metastatic colon cancer cell lines. De Lange R;Burtscher H;Jarsch M;Weidle UH.
- Proteomics. v.1 no.10 Proteomics of breast cancer for marker discovery and signal pathway profiling. Hondermarck H;Vercoutter-Edouart AS;Revillion F;Lemoine J;el-Yazidi-Belkoura I;Nurcombe V;Peyrat JP.
- Oncology. v.61 no.4 Involvement of CTGF, a Hypertrophic Chondrocyte- Specific Gene Product, in Tumor Angiogenesis. Shimo T;Nakanishi T;Nishida T;Asano M;Sasaki A;Kanyama M;Kuboki T;Matsumura T;Takigawa M.
- 東醫肝系內科學 李定濟
- 肝系內科學 金秉雲外
- 抗癌中藥一千方 郞傳君
- 難經 扁鵲
- 諸病源候論(文淵閣四庫全書 卷2) v.2 巢元方
- 聖濟總錄 趙佶外
- 韓方臨床腫瘍學 趙鍾寬
- Cancer Detect Prev. v.23 no.6 Nonlinearity of nuclear enlargement in hepatocytes induced by the carcinogen N'- nitrosomorpholine in Ovo. Wiemann C;Enzmann H;Loser E;Schluter G.
- Anal Biochem. v.153 no.1 Evaluation of the micromethod for determination of glutathione using enzymatic cycling and Ellman's reagent. Eyer P;Podhradsky D.
- Anal Biochem., v.95 no.8 Assay for lipid peroxides in animal tissues by thiobarbituric acid reaction. Ohkawa H;Ohishi N;Yagi K.
- 오늘의 診斷 및 治療 全國醫科大學敎授
- 今釋黃帝內經(靈樞) 裵秉哲
- 今釋黃帝內經(素問) 裵秉哲
- 금궤요략 張仲景
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- 癌患者看護症狀管理 김복자
- Carcinogenesis v.16 Dose depence of diethylnitrosamin-induces nuclear enlagement in embryonal turkey liver. Bannasch P;Enzmann H;Kuhlem C;Loser E
- Rec Res Cancer Res v.19 The cytoplasm of hepatocyte during carcinogenesis. Bannasch P
- Jpn J Cancer Res v.82 Inhibition by Xiao-Chai-hu-tang(TJ-9) of development of hepatic foci induced by N-nitrosomorpholine in Sprague-Dawley rats. Tatsuta M;Iishi H;Baba M;Nakaizumi A;Uehara H
- Cancer Latt v.152 Supression by Chai-hu-gui-zhi-tang of the development of liver lesions induced by N-nitrosomorpholine in Sprague-Dawley rats Tatsuta M;Iishi H;Baba M;Narahara H;Yano H;Sakai N
- Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. v.25 no.6 Ceramide-mediated apoptosis in lung epithelial cells is regulated by glutathione. Lavrentiadou SN;Chan C;Kawcak T;Ravid T;Tsaba A;van Der Vliet A;Rasooly R;Goldkorn T.
- Circ Res., v.89 no.5 Reactive oxygen species mediate amplitude-dependent hypertrophic and apoptotic responses to mechanical stretch in cardiac myocytes. Pimentel DR;Amin JK;Xiao L;Miller T;Viereck J;Oliver-Krasinski J;Baliga R;Wang J;Siwik DA;Singh K;Pagano P;Colucci WS;Sawyer DB.
- Free Radic Biol Med. v.31 no.3 Oxidative damage to mitochondria is a preliminary step to caspase-3 activation in fluoride-induced apoptosis in HL-60 cells. Anuradha CD;Kanno S;Hirano S.
- Diabetologia. v.43 no.5 The importance of lipid-derived malondialdehyde in diabetes mellitus. Slatter DA;Bolton CH;Bailey AJ.
- Clin Biochem v.20 Catalage activity in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Bellisola G;Casaril M;Gabrielli GB;Craffi M;Corrocher R
- Life Sci., v.61 no.22 Amphetamine induces hydroxyl radical formation in the striatum of rats. Huang NK;Wan FJ;Tseng CJ;Tung CS.
- Free Radic Biol Med v.26 Liver cancer is induced by subnecrogenic dose DENA when associated with fasting/refeeding : role of glutathione-transferase and lipid peroxidation. Muzio G;Marengo B;Salvo R;Semeraro A;Canuto RA;Tessitore L
- Carcinogenesis v.19 Xenomorphic hepatocellular precusor and neoplastic progression of tigroid cell foci induced in rats with low doses of N-nitrosomorpholine. Strobel P;Klimea F;Zerban H;Kopp-Schneider A;BaNKasch P
- Virchows Arch v.435 Expression of pyruvate kinase M2 in preneoplastic hepatic foci of N-nitrosomorpholine-treated rats Steinberg P;Klingelhoffer A;Schafer A;Wust G;Weibe G;Oesch F;Eigenbrodt
- Virchows Arch B Cell Pathol Incl Mol Pathol v.53 Morphometric study of alterations of extrafocal hepatocytes of rat liver treated with N-nitrosomorpholine. Enzmann H;Bannasch P
- Mutat Res v.225 The rat-liver carcinogen N- nitrosomorpholine initiates unscheduled DNA synthesis and induce micronuclei in the rat liver in vivo. Ashby J;Lefevre PA