The Effects of Integrated Information Systems on the Organizational Control : A Focus of ERP Implementation

통합정보시스템의 조직 통제에 미치는 영향 : ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) 시스템 도입을 중심으로

  • 이선로 (연세대학교 경법대학 경영정보학과)
  • Published : 2002.03.31


This study attempts (1) to analyze the changing pattern of organizational control by investigating the impacts of ERP implementations on the determinants of organizational control types and (2) to compare the performance variances based on the fitness between implementation of ERP and the changed mode of organizational control. Research results reveal that firms with ERP shows high degree of information integration, which partially affects the determinants of organizational control types. Also, results indicate that firms now with ERP shows the higher levels of both behavior and output control than without ERP, and the magnitude of change in behavior control level was greater than that of output control level. Finally, this research suggests that while the firms that implemented ERP for the purpose of quality and service improvement need to more focus on behavior control than on output control, the firms for the purpose of cost reduction need to excercise more output control in order to establish a cost effective control strategy.



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