An Empirical Study on the Success Factors and Performance Model of Hospital Information Systems

병원정보시스템의 성공 요인과 성과 모형에 관한 연구

  • 유일 (순천대학교 경영학부) ;
  • 김미 (광주보건대학 보건행정과)
  • Published : 2002.03.31


Factors influencing the success or failure of information systems(IS) have been discussed in many literature. However, limited theoretical development or empirical research have examined the effectiveness of hospital information systems(HIS). This study set out the research model of influencing factors and the performance of HIS through theoretical studies based on Management Information Systems, and then empirically tested hypotheses related to the model. The model was tested using LISREL analysis on the sample of 274 respondents who have worked with the HIS. The major results of this study are as follows: First, system characteristics and organizational characteristics have a statistically significant influence on user satisfaction. Second, the hypothesis 3, proposing that computer self-efficacy would relate positively to user satisfaction, was not supported by the results, though. According to these results, system quality, information quality, service quality and support of top management are very important variables for IS success. The study's findings also indicate DeLone and McLean's model is correct in proposing that the indirect relationship between influencing factors and organizational effectiveness, mediated by user satisfaction, is an important one.



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