조형적 사고체계에 의한 실내공간구성에 관한 연구

A Study On Interior Space Constitution From The Plastic Thinking

  • 이선민 (신흥대학 실내디자인과) ;
  • 김혜자 (안산공과대학 인테리어디자인과)
  • 발행 : 2002.10.01


It was investigated on the logical inter-relationship with plastic thinking systems in interior space constitution. Followings were produced the conclusion of study from the plastic thinking. First of all plastic thinking could be interpreted as the stage-oriented process from various approaching by intuitional, experimental techniques through the expansion of thinking capability with linguistic activities. And also interior space constitution could be extracted from the plastic language relating with design concept, could be extracted the design element by processing on the formation process based on material's physical properties. Next, space perception and constitution should be followed the massive perception between empty and full space based on the interrelationship. Additionally the constitution of interior space could be established through axis, integrated with detail functions. Interior space constitution could be accomplished on the study of material based on the characteristics of material, planned to coincide with the space's characteristics in selection for texture.



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