A Study on the Sex Role Identity of Gifted Children in Mathematics and Science

초등학교 수학${\cdot}$과학 영재아동의 성역할 정체감에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2002.06.01


The purpose of this study was to examine the sex role identity of children who are gifted in mathematics and sciences. In order to investigate the sex role identity types, Korean Sex Role Inventory was administered to 192 gifted and 128 normal children in elementary schools. The research findings are the followings: 1. There was no statistically significant difference in the sex role identity types between gifted boys and gifted girls. 2. There were statistically significant differences between gifted and normal groups. The gifted children are more androgynous and less undifferentiated than normal group. 3. Gifted boys were higher in androgyny and masculinity than the normal group. Gifted girls showed the same pattern.

본 연구는 초등학교 수학${\cdot}$과학 영재아동의 성역할 정체감을 일반아동과 비교하여 영재아동의 심리적 특성을 살펴보는데 그 목적이 있다. 설문 조사를 통해 영재아동 192명과 일반아동 128명의 성역할 정체감을 살펴본 결과 영재아동의 성역할 정체감 유형이 양성성 유형은 높게 미분화 유형은 낮게 나타났다. 영재아동은 일반 아동에 비하여 자신의 성역할을 빨리 인식하고 있으며 일반아동보다는 자유로운 양성성적인 성향을 나타냈다.



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