A Development of GUI System for Optimal Operational Scheduling on Industrial Cogeneration Systems Using Evolutionary Algorithms

산업체 열병합발전시스템에서 최적운전계획 수립을 위한 진화 알고리즘을 이용한 GUI System 개발

  • 정지훈 ((株) 三千里 技術營業팀) ;
  • 이종범 (圓光大 電氣電子 및 情報工學部)
  • Published : 2002.11.01


This paper describes a strategy of a daily optimal operational scheduling on the industrial cogeneration system. The cogeneration system selected to establish the scheduling consists of three units and several auxiliary devices which include three auxiliary boilers, t재 waste boilers and three sludge incinerators. One unit generated electrical and thermal energy using the back pressure turbine. The other two units generate the energy using the extraction condensing turbine. Three auxiliary devices operate to supply energy to the loads with three units. The cogeneration system is able to supply enough the thermal energy to the thermal load, however it can not sufficiently supply the electric energy to the electrical load. Therefore the insufficient electric energy is compensated by buying electrical energy from utility. In this paper, the evolutionary algorithms was applied to establish the optimal scheduling for the cogeneration systems. Also the GUI System was developed using established mathematics medeling and evolutionary algorithms in order that non-experts are able to establish operational scheduling. This results revel that the proposed modeling and strategy can be effectively applied to cogeneration system for paper mill.



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