오픈소스 소프트웨어의 기술혁신 특성: 리뷰

The Innovation Characteristics of Open Source Software: A Review

  • 발행 : 2002.07.01


This study reviews the institutional frameworks of Open Source software and develops the stylized facts of Open Source software innovation. Open Source software have to solve two difficult problems for encouraging innovation. First, the source code of Open Source software program should be open and freely distributed and it is very difficult for developers to appropriate the results of their investments. Second, as Open Source software development process is characterized by the participation of communities of developers, it is not easy to coordinate and manipulate the development process. These difficulties of developing Open Source Software have been solved by the particular incentive schemes and coordinating mechanisms. This study reviews the study on the motivation of Open Source software development and the mechanisms which coordinate innovation process of Open Source software with peer review and meritocracy, and how these characteristics promote innovation in Open Source software communities.



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