Application of Multiple Fuzzy-Neuro Controllers of an Exoskeletal Robot for Human Elbow Motion Support

  • Kiguchi, Kazuo (Dept. of Advanced Systems Control Engineering Saga University) ;
  • Kariya, Shingo (Dept. of Advanced Systems Control Engineering Saga University) ;
  • Wantanabe, Keigo (Dept. of Advanced Systems Control Engineering Saga University) ;
  • Fukude, Toshio (Center of Coop. Research in Adv. Science and Technology, Nagoya University)
  • 발행 : 2002.03.01


A decrease in the birthrate and aging are progressing in Japan and several countries. In that society, it is important that physically weak persons such as elderly persons are able to take care of themselves. We have been developing exoskeletal robots for human (especially for physically weak persons) motion support. In this study, the controller controls the angular position and impedance of the exoskeltal robot system using multiple fuzzy-neuro controllers based on biological signals that reflect the human subject's intention. Skin surface electromyogram (EMG) signals and the generated wrist force by the human subject during the elbow motion have been used as input information of the controller. Since the activation level of working muscles tends to vary in accordance with the flexion angle of elbow, multiple fuzzy-neuro controllers are applied in the proposed method. The multiple fuzzy-neuro controllers are moderately switched in accordance with the elbow flexion angle. Because of the adaptation ability of the fuzzy-neuro controllers, the exoskeletal robot is flexible enough to deal with biological signal such as EMG. The experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed controller.



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