A study on the Improvement Plan of Construction Site Management In Korea

국내 건설 현장관리업무의 개선방안에 관한 연구

  • 김진호 (동명정보대학교 건축공학과)
  • Published : 2002.12.01


In the modern age. Building is getting higher and larger according to owner and social demands. Now when we are facing the need of the cost down and the reduction of economic loss. In this paper, the characteristics of the present conditions of site management were investigated with the field survey. And The Purpose of this study is to suggest the rational plans of construction planning in site management. The method of site management. however depends on experience of a construction manager. in order to solve this situation, it is necessary to create a method of site management that is adequate for the condition of construction. By cultivating excellent sub contractors, we can expect precise construction with a few experts. improvement in qualify of construction from standardization, computerization of each process. And the expectancies of this paper are that it can be used as efficient data for improvement of system to systematize site management work in Korea.



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