A Study on the Risk Analysis of Construction Method

건축공법 내부 리스크 분석에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2002.12.01


The purpose of this study was to Identification the Risk of construction method to protect and reduce the risk of construction period. For this study we are using the pre and during construction period Inspection list. The inspection list was used by construction company for check a flaw of Construction field. So we rearrange the individual item of inspection list to match the Risk factor. This inspection list usually has the difference of importance because this list is not made by Method which is not focused on Method. Therefore, To find the difference of these importance, We surveyed this matter by doing interview of specialist group. To find the application of field and the possibility of measurement of Risk status, We tested Risk occurring frequency and it's strength by checking the level of Risk. The results of this study were as follows; Each Method Check List made out through the rearrangement of Construction Inspection list which used in construction company. To solve and compensate the matter which happened by changing the each Method Check List to each General Inspection List, we added the each Method Check List by checking the importance of check list of each process. By doing this, The Check List for finding Risk level of Method was created by using the check list of each Method.



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  1. Performance Criteria to Assess the Remodeling Feasibility of Office Buildings vol.12, pp.2, 2012,