In this research, I finally came to a conclusion analyzing the connection among managing of each items in management expenses, the size of each complex and stories, and the term of using. (1) In the managing cost regarding to the management manner, although the managing cost of self-governing management is less imposed than the one of commission management, there is slight difference between those Costs. And it is more important to consider the effectiveness of management than to emphasize reduction of management cost. (2) The higher the stories, the higher the managing cost of elevator per the unit area. It Is caused by the fact that the father the distance of the elevator operating, the higher the electric charges. (3) The third of one of total management cost goes to pay the personnel expenses. So I found that the effective management of the expenses is available to reduce management cost. (4) The higher the stones, the lower the cost of personnel expenses including the cleaner cost. (5) The sum of costs assigned in repairment and management increases in proportion to the term of using. The costs assigned in special repairment and management are interacting to each other. (6) To reduce the management cost, we have to cut down the personnel in security guard that occupies one third of total management cost with application to the joint security system and operation of the self-governing guard. Through this process, it will be easy to accomplish the rationalization of contract with an outside order. Because the improvement of management service is not only the responsibility of owner but also the one of dwellers. And it Is imperative to realize the importance of cooperation and trust between the owner and dwellers. And the establishment of effective managing system which has convenience and rationality must be settled without delay.