A Study on the Selection of Construction Method by Decision Making Method

의사결정기법을 통한 건축공법선정에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2002.02.01


In the Past, The selection of individual method of construction was done by head of construction site or an experienced person very frequently. By doing this, The wrong selection of construction method without exact adjudication of construction site situation lead to increasing of cost and extension of construction term. Finally it will effect all over the construction process. Especially, In case of underground construction in the beginning, there are a lot of a variable factor and it also effect on the entire construction process and it need very careful process. The purpose of this study is to present the best suitable methodology for selection of construction method by considering potential risk of construction method and variables together with external condition for underground construction. The purpose of this study Is to select the most suitable construction method by analysing potential conditions(construction site situation and client request in designing ) To do this, We prepared arrangement rule to arrange the conditions for construction method. And thin make checklist of the analyzing construction method. Though above process, To expect the risk of individual construction method using above risk checklist and using Analytic Hierarchy process among Multiple-Criteria Decision making, the professional opinions is to be adapted. By doing this, it can lead and select the most suitable construction method considering the data which get from risk density test.



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