Cable TV 홈쇼핑 이용 소비자의 특성 및 소비자 특성별 상품구매 결정요인 분석

An Analysis on Consumer Characteristics and Determinants to Goods Purchase Decisions According to Consumer Characteristics in Cable TV Home-Shopping

  • 김영숙 (경성대학교 생활경영학과) ;
  • 심미영 (경성대학교 생활경영학과)
  • 발행 : 2002.04.01


The purpose of this study is to examine determinant to purchase decisions by consumers using the home shopping of cable TV. For the purpose accomplishment, this researcher surveyed demographic characteristics of cable TV users to determine what differences in types of goods purchased by the users were made in accordance with the characteristics. Findings from the study may be reflected in bisiness policies seeking the fulfillment of consumer needs, and be used as a basic information for the establishment of consumer policies pursuing increased qualities of consumption life by providing information on goods shown through the of home shopping on cable TV. The result of the study can be summarized as follow. First, purchased goods were greatly different in their types depending on demographic characteristics of consumers such as gender, marital status, age, educational backgrounds, income and jobs. Second, experiential characteristics of cable TV users including holding or non-holding credit cards, main channels used, the main time of watching cable TV and purchase frequency per year contributed to differences in types of purchased goods. Third, factors influencing purchase decisions were somewhat different according to types of goods. However, previous purchase experiences were most influential irrespective of the types. The result as described so far suggests that previous purchase experiences by consumers raised their chances of repurchase by removing possible risks perceived by consumers. Based on the result as above, the researcher would make the following conclusion. First. companies operating the of home shopping on cable TV should increase satisfaction by consumers by providing reliable goods and information to them. In this sense, those companies need to establish marketing strategies that vary according to demographic characteristics of consumers and at the same time provide product information necessary for fulfilling consumers' requirements. Second, consumers should be moderate in the use of credit cards to avoid unplanned purchases via home shopping on cable TV and have some knowledge to solve problems related to goods and to the use of credit cards.



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