아내학대에 대한 세대전이 과정 연구

The Analysis on Intergenerational transmission of Wife Abuse

  • 발행 : 2002.01.01


This study examines the extent to which mediator variables, including hostility, paranoid, and attitude toward wife abuse, help explain the relationship between exposure to violence in family of origin while growing up and subsequent abuse against wives. SPSS 10.0 for windows is used to examine data obtained through 223 married men who live in Kwanju. The findings indicates that (a) exposure to violence in family of origin while growing up is related to all mediator variables; (b) exposure to violence in family of origin while growing up and mediator variables are associated with abuse against wife; (c) experiencing of child abuse predict perpetration of sexual abuse against wife, and witnessing of father-to-mother abuse account for more strongly perpetration of psychological and physical abuse against wife: (d) in general, exposure to violence in family of origin has more strong indirect impact on wife abuse for adult male.



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