An Estimation of the Pyiee Elasticities of Tobacco and Health Demand of Korean Urban Households using Macro and Micro Level Data

한국 도시가구의 담배소비와 보건의료지출: 가구 특성을 감안한 수요체계적 분석에 의한 가격탄력성 추정시도

  • 김원년 (고려대학교 경상대학 경제학과) ;
  • 이충열 (고려대학교 경상대학 경제학과)
  • Published : 2002.06.01


In this study we analyse how the tobacco prices have an effect on the national health. The level of tobacco price will fluctuate its consumers demand and eventually affect the national health status. We estimate tobacco consumption function as well as households'demand system in which tobacco and health expenditure functions are included. Demand elasticities are estimated and evaluated in order to find future policies to improve the national health by controlling the national tobacco consumption There are two econometric approaches app1ied in this study. The lent tobacco demand analysis method is mm tobacco consumption function model. Using national indices of tobacco price, tobacco consumption and other related variables, tobacco consumption function is estimated. The other is micro demand system analysis by using Korean urban households expenditure data during the period of 1991 to 1999. The own price elasticity which is estimated from national tobacco demand per capita is -0.19 for all people and -0.176 for the adults over 18, which means 100% price increase will cause decease of tobacco demand at 19% and 17.6% per each The cross vice elasticity which is estimated between tobacco and health expenditure of urban households demand system is -0.2328, which implies 100% of tobacco price increase will decrease 23.28% of health expenditure. The low price elasticities imply that tobacco price increase will increase total tobacco sales volume. 100% of tobacco price increase will bring about 79% increase of total tobacco sales volume according to our scenario. Korea's tobacco demand is negatively responsive to fluctuations in its price. The health expenditure is also negatively relatedto the tobacco price fluctuation. These empirical outputs could be utilized as the basis of government's tax policy to control national tobacco consumption in the future.

담배가격은 담배소비를 조정하여 간접적으로 국민건강에 영향을 준다 이를 총계소비함수와 도시가계자료를 활용한 수요체계의 추정을 통하여 실증적으로 확인한 결과 담배가격의 수요탄력성은 국민일인당의 경우 -0.19, 18세이상 일인당의 경우 -0.176이다. 또 담배가격과 보건의료지출과의 교차가격 탄력성은 -0.2328로 추정되었다. 담배소비는 담배가격에 통계적으로 매우 유의하게 반응하여서 가격조절을 통한 소비억제정책이 효과적으로 작용할 수있음이 확인 되었고 담배가격인상이 국민건강을 증진시킨다는 주장의 실증적 근거가 확인되었다



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