현대 교회건축에 있어서 창의 형태에 따른 빛의 유입 방식 및 표현특성에 관한 연구

A Study on the way of light input pattern and Expressional Characteristics by the shape of windows on the Modern Christian Architecture

  • 이종희 (서일대학 실내디자인과)
  • 발행 : 2002.02.01


From ancient to modern architecture, the light in the architecture spaces as the only changing factor, was the most important theme contributing vitality to the space and judging its character and expression. The efforts, to acquire both natural-physical light and internally experienced spiritual-supernatural light, had been revealed in several ways of the architecture from the ancient architecture. It was the main issues on the christian architecture. In this study, 1 have intended to determine how the light, the most important factor on the christian architecture symbolizing the blessing of God and forming the pious and restrained spaces has been expressed in the church spaces. For this purpose, I have compared and analysised the examples of the using the light, to the arts of the modern maestros of architecture and newly constructed churches in Korea on the way of light input pattern by the shape of windows. The results from the examples show that the most outstanding point of the modern christian architecture compare to the past, is that the natures of the inputted light has many diversities by the architects. And I reached the fact that the constructers by their own will to acquire the intended light, they are chose progressive light expressing methods through the shape of windows.



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