- 中醫方劑大辭典 彭부仁
- 醫方臨證指南 黃榮宗;陳煥泓;吳大眞
- 理中湯과 大承氣湯의 효능에 관한 실험적 연구 곽기환
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- 가정의학 의학교육연수원
- 동의소화기내과학 장인규
- 내과학 이문호
- 張氏景岳全書 張介賓
- 방제학 한의과대학방제학교수(공저)
- 溫白元의 效能에 관한 실험적연구 장태수
- 方藥合編 黃度淵
- 식품저장학 윤정의
We have examined the purgative effect of three Jechun-jun formulas in sprague dawley(SD) rat. Three jechun-jun formulas were Jechun-jun(Sample I ) and augmented Jechun-jun(Sample II) and augmented Jechun-jun add rhubarb(sample III ). We examined the amount and the humidity of feces in rat. The experimental animals were devided into four groups. as control group and three Jechun-jun (sample I, II, III). We administerd the water extract of sample I, II, III to rat per oral for 8days long. After every 24hours measured the amount of wet feces from rats in metabolic cage. Humidity rate of feces from rat was at first measure wet feces for 24hours (W) and measure dried feces (W1) and then we consider W-W1 as humidity. High humidity rate means constipation changes into moistening stool. The amount of wet feces and humidity rate of feces in rats were increased in sample I, II, III. Sample I has highest humidity rate of feces. so showed strong moistening effect. Sample II has mild effect in treating constipation. sample III has most amount of wet feces. in conclusion Jechun-jun has an effect of moistening stool. and augmented Jechun-jun add rhubarb has strong purgative effect.