Iron(II) Tris(3-bromo-1,10-phenanthroline) Complex: Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Electropolymerization


The complex of iron(II) tris(3-Br-phen) (3-Br-phen; 3-bromo-1,10-phenanthroline) was prepared as a precursor of electropolymerization and the crystal structure of [Fe(3-Br-phen)3]($PF_6$)2${\cdot}$CH3CN with a distorted octahedral geometry has been investigated. The reductive electropolymerization of $>[Fe(3-Br-phen)3]^{2+}$ complex onto the surface of a glassy carbon electrode and indium tin oxide (ITO) optically transparent electrode were performed in acetonitrile at room temperature. Thin film of poly-$>[Fe(3-Br-phen)3]^{2+}$ formed was adherent, electroactive and stably deposited on a glassy carbon disk electrode. The thin metallopolymeric film formed was also confirmed by absorption spectroscopy.



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피인용 문헌

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