유연 구조물에서 반력 최소화를 위한 피이드백 기술

Feedback Techniques for Minimizing Reaction Forces in Flexible Structures

  • 김주형 (국민대 자동차공학대학원) ;
  • 김상섭 (국민대 자동차공학대학원)
  • 발행 : 2001.08.01


A method for actively minimizing dynamic reaction forces in a flexible structure subject to persistent excitations is presented. One difficulty with the method, however, is that forces and moments do not converge as quickly as displacements in mathematical discretization of continuous systems, so a controller based on a truncated model of a continuous system can produce poor results. A technique using residual flexibility matrix is presented for correcting the truncated force representation. A controller designed for reaction force minimization, using the residual flexibility matrix, is applied to a model of a flexible structure, and the results are presented. Implications of various reaction force penalty combinations on the resulting control performance are also discussed.



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