
  • Published : 2001.10.01




  1. A Tutorial Prepared for IJCAI-99 Introduction to Information Extraction Technology Appelt, D. E.;David, J. Israel
  2. The 18th International Conference on Computational Linguistics(COLING'2000) Automatic Acquisition of Domain Knowledge for Information Extraction Yangarber, R.;R. Grishman;P.Tapanaine;S. Huttunen
  3. ACM Transactions on Information Systems v.12 no.3 Information Extraction as a Basic for High-Precision Text Classification Riloff, E.;W. Lehnert
  4. Proceedings of the Third Message-Understanding Conference(MUC-3) MUC-3
  5. Proceedings of the Fourth Message-Understanding Conference(MUC-4) MUC-4
  6. Proceedings of the Fifth Message-Understanding Conference(MUC-5) MUC-5
  7. Proceedings of the Sixth Message-Understanding Conference(MUC-6) MUC-6
  8. An Analysis of the Third Message-Understanding Conference (MUC-3), Computational Linguistics v.19 no.3 Evaluating Message-Understanding Systems Chinchor, N.;L. Hirschman;D. Lewis
  9. Proceeding of the Ninth Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence MITA: An Information-Extraction Approach to Analysis of Free-Form Text in Life Insurance Applications Glasgow, B.;A. Mandell;D.Binney;L. Ghemri;D. Fisher
  10. Technical Report, TE39 Machine Learning of Text-Analysis Rules for Clinical Records Soderland, S.;D. Aronow;D. Fisher;J. Aseltine;W. Lehnert
  11. Cognitive Science v.5 no.4 Plot Units and Narrative Summarization Lebnert, W. G.
  12. Internal report, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University Learning to Extract Symbolic Knowledge from the World Wide Web Craven, M.;D. Freitag;A. McCallum;T. Mitchell;K. Nigam;C. Y. Quek
  13. Proceedings of the ML97 Workshop on Automata Induction, Grammatical Inference and Language Acquisition Learning to Parse Natural Language database Queries into Logical Form Thompson, C. A.;R. J. Mooney;L. R. Tang
  14. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining(KDD-97) Learning to Extract Text-Based Information from the World Wide Web Sodereland, S.
  15. AI Magazine v.12 no.3 A Performance Evaluation of Text Analysis Technologies Lehnert, W.;B. Sundheim
  16. Proceedings, TIPSTER Text Program (Phase I) Comparing Human and Machine Performance for Natural Language Information Extraction:Results from the TIPSTER Text Evaluation Will, C. A.
  17. AAAI-97 Empirical Methods in Information Extraction Cardie, C.
  18. Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on AI FASTUS: A finite-state processor for information extraction from real-world text Appelt, D. E.;Jerry R. Hobbs;John Bear;David Israel;Mabry Tyson
  19. MUC-6 The NYU system for MUC-6 or where's syntax Grishman, R.
  20. MUC-7 SRA:description of the IE system used for MUC-7 Aone, C.;Lauren Halverson;Tom Hampton;Mila Ramos-Santacruz
  21. Understanding Language Understanding: Computational Models of Reading Information Extraction as a Stepping Stone toward Story Understanding Riloff, E.
  22. Proceedings of the Third Message Understanding Conference(MUC-3) ITP: Description of the Interpretext System as Used for MUC-3 Dahlgren, K.;Carol Lord;Hajime Wada;Joyce McDowell;Edward P. Stabler Jr.
  23. Proceedings of the Third Message Understanding Conference (MUC-3) New York University:Description of the Proteus System as Used for MUC-3 Grishman, R.;John Sterling;Catherine Macleod
  24. Proceedings of the Third Message Understanding Conference (MUC-3) Language Systems, Inc.:Description of the DBG System as Used for MUC-3 Montgomery, C. A.;Bonnie Glover Stalls;Robert S. Belvin;Robert E. Stumerger
  25. MUC-5 University of Manitoba:Description of the NUBA System as Used for MUC-5 Lin, D.
  26. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research(JAIR) v.2 Wrap-Up: A trainable discourse module for information extraction Soderland, S.;W. Lehnert
  27. Proceedings of the Twelfth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence Corpus-Driven Knowledge Acquisition for Discourse Analysis Soderland, S.;W. Lehnert
  28. AI Magazine v.6 CYC: Using Common Sense Knowledge to Overcome Brittleness and Knowledge-Acquisition Bottlenecks Lenat, D. B.;M. Prakash;M. Shepherd
  29. Advances in Connectionist and Neural Computation Theory Symbolic-Subsymbolic Sentence Analysis:Exploiting the Best of Two Worlds Lehnert, W.
  30. The 18th International Conference on Computational Linguistics(COLING'2000) Japanese Named Entity Extraction Evaluation-Analysis of Results Sekine, S.;Y. Eriguchi
  31. Computational Linguistics v.19 no.2 Building a Large Annotated Corpus of English:the Penn Tree Bank Marcus, M.;M. Marchinkiewicz;B. Santorini
  32. Statistical Language Learning Charniak, E.
  33. Computational Linguistics v.21 no.4 Transformation-Based Error-Driven Learing and Natural Language Processing: A Case Study in Part-of-Speech Tagging Brill, E.
  34. Proceedings of the Thirty-Third Annual Meeting of the ACL Text Chunking Using Transformation-Based Learning Ramshaw, L.A.;M. P. Marcus
  35. Proceedings of the Thirty Third Annual Meeting of the ACL Statistical Decision-Tree Models for Parsing Magerman, D. M.
  36. Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Very Large Corpora, ACL SIGDAT A Memory-Based Part-of-Speech tagger Generator Daelemans, W.;J. Zavrel;P. Berck;S. Gillis
  37. Proceedings of the Eleventh National Conference on Artificial Intelligence A Case-Based Approach to Knowledge Acquisition for Domain-Specific Sentence Analysis Cardie, C.
  38. Proceedings of the Twelfth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence Inducing Deterministic Prolog Parsers from Tree Banks: A Machine-Learning Approach Zelle, J.;R. Mooney
  39. c4.5: Programs for Machine Learning Quinlan, J. R.
  40. Proceedings, TIPSTER Text Program(Phase I) BBN's PLUM Probabilistic Language-Understanding System Weischedel, R.;D. Ayuso;S. Boisen;H. Fox;T. Matsukawa;C. Papageorgiou;D.MacLaughlin;T. Sakai;H. J. H. Abe;Y. Miyamoto;S. Miller
  41. Proceedings of the Eleventh National Conference on Artificial Intelligence Automatically Construction a Dictionary for Information-Extraction Tasks Riloff, E.
  42. Proceedings of the Ninth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence A Cognitively Plausible Approach to Understanding Complicated Syntax Cardie, C.;W. Lehnert
  43. Proceedings of the Third Message-Understanding Conference (MUC-3) Description of the CIRCUS System as Used in MUC-3 Lehnert, W.;C. Cardie;D. Fisher;E. Riloff;R. Williams
  44. Proceedings of the Fourth Message-Understanding Conference(MUC-4) Description of the CIRCUS System as Used in MUC-4 Lehnert, W.;C. Cardie;D. Fisher;J. McCarthy;E. Riloff;S. Soderland
  45. Proceedings of the Third Workshop in Very Large Corpora Automatically Acquiring Conceptual Patterns Without an Annotated Corpus Riloff, E.;J. Shoen
  46. Proceedings of the thirteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence Automatically Generating Extraction Patterns from Untagged Text Riloff, E.
  47. Artificial Intelligence v.85 An Empirical Study of Automated Dictionary Construction for Information Extraction in Three Domains Riloff, E.
  48. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering v.7 no.5 Acquisition of Lingistic Patterns for Knowledge-Based Information Extraction Kim, J. T.;D. I. Moldovan
  49. Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, International Joint Conferecnes on Artificial Intelligence CRYSTAL:Inducing a Conceptual Dictionary Soderland, S.;D. Fisher;J. Aseltine;W. Lehnert
  50. Symbolic, Connectionist, and Statistical Approaches to Learning for Natural Language Processing, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Series Learning Information Extraction Patterns from Examples Huffman, S.
  51. Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Natural Language Learning Relational Learning of Pattern-Match Rules for Information Extraction Califf, M. E.;R. J. Mooney
  52. Proceedings of the Thirthieth Annual Meeting of the ACL Corpus-Based Acquisition of Relative Pronoun Disambiguation Heuristics Cardie, C.
  53. Proceedings of the Tenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence Learning to Disambiguate Relative Pronouns Cardie, C.
  54. Proceedings of the Second Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing Probabilistic Coreference in Information Extraction Kehler, A.
  55. Computational Linguistics v.19 no.2 Coping with Ambiguity and unknown Words through Probabilistic Models Weischedel, R.;M. Meteer;R. Schwartz;L. Ramshaw;J. Palmucci
  56. Proceedings of the Thirty-Third Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics Evaluation Automated and Manual Acquisition of Anaphora Resolution Strategies Aone, C.;W. Bennett
  57. Proceedings of the Fourtheenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Using Decision trees for Coreference Resolution McCarthy, J. F.;W. G. Lehnert
  58. Proceedings of the Sixth Message-Understanding Conference(MUC-6) SRI International FASTUS System: MUC-6 Test Results and Analysis Appelt, D. E.;Jerry R. Hobbs;John Bear;David Israel;M. Kameyama;A. Kehler;D.Martin;K. Myers;Mabry Tyson
  59. Proceedings of the third Message-Understanding Conference(MUC-3) Hughes Trainable Text Skimmer: Description of the TTS System as Used for MUC-3 Dolan, C.;S. Goldman;T. Cuda;A. Nakamura
  60. Proceedings of the Ninth National Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Information Extraction-Based Multiple-Category Document Classification for the Global Legal Information Network Holowczak, R. D.;N. R. Adam
  61. Proceedings of the Twelfth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence The Ups and Downs of Lexical Acquistiion Hastings, P.;S. Lytinen