The purpose of this study was to investigate the fashion trends of last three years and how the trends were imaged by the structural characteristics of the fabrics. The characteristics for 897 fabrics were analyzed from four kinds. eleven volumes of fashion trend magazines. From these magazines, three panels categorized by their frequencies as nine images such as natural, innocent, ethnic, childish, casual, classic, modern and technical, Sub-images of each image such as rustic, irregular, decorative, etc were also categorized. For the each image, fiber contents and structural characteristics of weave type, weight, density, yarn size, twist and fabric finishes were investigated in terms of frequency, range and mean, Results showed that chiffon and organza seemed to have very specific images and used to represent specifically the romantic or ethnic images; whereas voile and jersey was used to represent various images. For S/S seasons, most popular fiber type was cotton. The weave type was not the important factor to give variations in images; plan weave exclusively used irrespective of image. For the romantic, ethnic and innocent images, rather light fabrics were used. For the childish and natural, medium weights, and for the technical, modern and classic images heavy weight fabrics were used. Vaious finishes were employed to represent specific images.