20대 여성정장의류의 편익과 상표이미지 연구(제1보)-20대 직장 여성이 정장의류에서 추구하는 편익 및 편익 세분화에 따른 의복행동 연구를 중심으로-

The Brand Image and the Benefit of 20′s Female Apparel Market(Part I) -The Clothing Behavior of 20′s Working Women by Benefit Segmentation-

  • 박혜원 (오산대학 의상디자인과) ;
  • 임숙자 (이화여자대학교 의류직물학과)
  • 발행 : 2000.08.01


This study intended to investigate the benefits sought in 2(i s female formal wear and the clothing behaviors of 20's working women segmented by the benefits of female apparel and to provide marketing strategy on the segmented market. The subject of this study were 605 working women in their 20's living in seoul, and survey based on references and formal studies was used. The results of data analysis are as follows: 1. The factor structures of the benefit sought in clothing products were classified into symbolismㆍaesthetics, and practicality. 2. Consumer groups were segmented into four groups by the benefit factors sought in clothing products. 3. Product involvement, fashion involvement, information search and brand loyalty were proven significantly different among the segmented consumer groups. Demographic variables and purchasing traits such as subjective social class, average monthly expenditure on clothing, and usage of fashion credit card or credit cards were proven to significantly different among the segmented consumer groups.



  1. 혜택세분화에 따른 남성 정장기성복의 브랜드 인식연구 강지혜
  2. 상표이미지의 전략적 포지셔닝에 관한 연구 김혜정
  3. 의류쇼핑동기에 따른 선호점포분위게에 관한 연구 박수경
  4. 의복관여와 정보탐색에 관한 연구 이영선
  5. 소비자행동:마케팅 전략적 접근 이학식;안광호
  6. 소비자행동론:이해와 마케팅에의 전략적 접근 임종원;김재일;홍성태;이유재
  7. 의복 품목에 따른 상표충성의 결정 변인에 관한 연구 진병호
  8. 의류 제품에 대한 상표충성의 차원과 형성모델
  9. 혜택세분화와 인식도에 대한 진의류 브랜드이미지 연구 최일경
  10. 한국의류학회지 v.19 no.3 제품유형과 소비자 관여도에 따른 의복만족도 연구 홍금희
  11. 상황과 소비자특성에 의한 의류제품 혜택 세분화 연구 홍희숙
  12. Managing Brand Equity: Capitalizing on the Value of a Brand Name Aaker, D. A.
  13. Consumer Behavior & Marketing Action(2th ed.) Assael, H.
  14. Clothing & Textiles Research Journal v.7 no.3 Fashion Involvement: An Instrument Validation Procedure Fairhurst, A. E.;Gentry, G. W.
  15. Journal of Marketing Research no.April Benefit Birndle Analysis Green, P. E.;Wind, Y.;Jain, A. K.
  16. Journal of Marketing no.July Benefit Segmentation: A Decision Oriented Research Tool Haley, R. I.
  17. Journal of Advertising Research no.August Beyond Benefit Segmentation Haley, R. I.
  18. Brand Loyalty: Measurement and Management Jacoby, J.;Chestnut, R. W.
  19. Clothing & Textiles Evaluative Creteria; Basic for Benefit Segmentation and Reflection of Underlying Values Jenkin, M. C.
  20. Journal of Marketing v.57 Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Managing Customer Based Brand Equity Keller, K. L.
  21. Journal of Retailing v.55 no.1 Simultaneous Loyalty and Benefit Segmentation of Retail Store Customers Miller, K. E.;Granzin, K. L.
  22. Advances in Consumer Research v.16 A Theoretical Analysis of Two Recent Measures of Involvement Mittal, B.
  23. Advances in Consumer Research v.10 Type and Levels of Involvement and Brand Attitude Park, C. W.;Young, S. M.
  24. Consumer Behavior: Marketing Strategy Perspectives Peter, J. P.;Olson, J. C.
  25. Clothing & Textiles Research Journal v.12 no.2 Benefit Segments of the Female Apparel Market: Psychographics, Shopping Orientations and Demographics Shim, S.;Bickle, M. C.
  26. Journal of Marketing v.52 Consumer Perception of Price, Quality, and Value: A Means and Model and Synthesis of Evidence Zeithaml, V. A.